Missing Jasper teen found in Indiana, man arrested

  • Tristan Kalobbe Martin

    Tristan Kalobbe Martin

    Tristan Kalobbe Martin

Jasper Police Department (JPD) Police Chief Gerald Hall told KJAS.com that a 27-year-old man was arrested after he traveled to Jasper and took a 15-yearold girl to Indiana.

June 8, Hall reported, Tristan Kalobbe Martin was charged with online solicitation of a minor in a warrant obtained by JPD. Hall and others believe Martin had been communicating with the Jasper teen for up to a year before he arrived on June 3 and took her to Indiana.

The chief said that, after the child was reported missing by her parents, he and others asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for help and federal authorities had used cell phone information to find the alleged assailant and victim in Cloverdale, Indiana, which is southwest of Indianapolis. Authorities in Cloverdale were notified, located the pair, and Martin was taken to the Putnam County Jail in Greencastle, Indiana.

Lt. Garrett Foster noted that an investigation by the FBI was still underway and Martin could also face federal charges.