‘Bus Stop’

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Port Arthur Little Theatre presents “Bus Stop” on Friday, May 26, through Sunday, May 28. The Friday-Saturday shows are 7:30 p.m. while the May 28 is a matinee at 2:30 p.m.

In the middle of a howling snowstorm, a bus out of Kansas City pulls up at a roadside diner. All roads are blocked, and all travelers are going to have to hole up until morning. Cherie, a nightclub singer in a sparkling gown is the passenger with the most to worry about. She’s been pursued during this storm by a belligerent cowboy. As a counterpoint to the main romance, the proprietor of the cafe and the bus driver find time to develop a friendship of their own; a middle-aged scholar comes to terms with himself; and a young girl who works in the cafe also gets her first taste of romance.

The cast includes Yoseli Rodriguez, Carrie Garcia, Stephanie Walker, Ashley Guillory, John Craig, Saige Nicholson, David Walker, Landis Buckner, Patrick Lene and Michael Nash Jr.

Tickets are $9-$13 and can be purchased online at palt.org or by calling (409) 727-7258.

PALT is located at 4701 Jimmy Johnson Blvd. in Port Arthur.