Alderman blasts city officials for demolishing building

  • The property on Darden's land, marked for demolishing

    The property on Darden's land, marked for demolishing

    The property on Darden's land, marked for demolishing
  • Alderman Jack Darden

    Alderman Jack Darden

    Alderman Jack Darden

A newly-elected alderman is blaming city officials for demolishing a building on his property without notifying him.

At the June 16 Kountze council meeting, Alderman Jack Darden, who was elected in May, said a building on this property, located in the 400 block of North Hickory Street, was demolished while he was out of town on June 15. He said there were three “no trespassing” signs posted on his property and the building was being used to store materials to use later for his home.

“They went around my posted signs and pushed my building down,” said Darden. “And scattered my belongings … That’s devilish, very devilish.”

He compared the action to the “Jim Crow” ideology.

Darden, who served as a Kountze ISD trustee for 27 years, said he was notified by the city in January about the building not complying. He said he was storing materials in the building to use on his home.

“I never intended it to be a habitation,” said Darden.

Darden said there are several buildings inside the city limits “worse than his,” including an old mobile home on Barrett Street.

“It’s in worse shape than mine and no one is working on it or attempting to work on it,” he added. “Why do you do something devilish like that? Because you can! It was wrong. I need restitution for the stuff you destroyed.”

But Alderwoman Andrea Cutwright told Darden, according to the council minutes in January, he was told the building would be torn down. She reminded Darden that he posted his signs over the city signs.

“Number one, it was a city sign, not your sign,” she said. “You took and posted a sign over a city sign. That is against the law.”

Alderwoman Kimberly Price asked Darden if the city gave him ample time concerning his building. He didn’t reply.

“If you’re in violation and the city becomes aware of it, they have to take action,” she said.

“Why me?” Darden asked.

“Why not you?” replied Mayor Pro Tem Mary Adams.

Adams noted Darden had five years for the problem to be resolved.

According to Public Works Director Josh Marble, the process of demolishing the building started in 2019.

“We had a public hearing Jan. 27 and Mr. Darden provided a plan of action to bring the structure into compliance,” he said. “Council gave him a 90-day extension to bring it in compliance. It was not brought into compliance.”

During 2020 because of COVID, Marble noted no ordinance violations were enforced and enforcement resumed in 2021.

“Mr. Darden’s structure was one of the first ones on the list not meeting compliance,” he said. “We had another public hearing and the council ordered us to demolish his structure.”

Darden said he wants the city to be “fair.”

“If you’re going do it to me, do it to the rest of them,” he added.

City Administrator Roderick Hutto added three other structures were in non-compliance along with Darden’s.

Adams noted Darden was given proper notice about the demolition of his building, which was legal.

“There are reasons why these violations are set in place,” Price said. “Because they can hurt citizens and can be harmful. That’s why we uphold these things.”

Price asked Darden what if a small child went into his building and was injured. “That’s not just protecting you, that’s us protecting you as well as protecting others,” she said.

Darden asked Adams if she had seen other buildings in violation.

“Yes, we have demolished other houses,” Adams replied.

She noted Marble has a list of buildings in violation.

Adams said, according to the city attorney, the name of the property’s deed is Ruby Lee Marshall.

“Jack Darden is paying the taxes but Ruby Lee Marshall is on the deed,” she said. “Legally, you have no say.”

Darden said he also has a deed on the property.

“I don’t have to record a deed unless I want to,” he commented.

Hutto told Darden his deed is not legal unless it’s recorded.

Adams noted Darden had another building that was in violation that was  also demolished.