Alleged child sex abuser absconds mid-trial

  • Horace Walker

    Horace Walker

    Horace Walker

Accused of aggravated sexual assault of a child dating back to 2020, as well as possessing an indicted felony for bringing a “prohibited substance” into a correctional facility in 2022, Horace Walker absconded mid-trial from jury proceedings in front of Jefferson County Criminal District Court Judge John Stevens on Nov. 17.

Out on bond (pursuant to a “glitch” in the system,” the judge read into the record) for the felony allegations, Walker flirted with immediate imprisonment when the defendant failed to show for court on time on Thursday. While the judge contemplated a bond revocation and arrest warrant, the trial was delayed as court personnel searched for the accused. Contacted by the defendant’s attorney, Walker’s family said he would be to court – eventually, roughly half an hour past the time court was to begin.

At 9:30 a.m., half an hour after court was to begin, Stevens said he would allow another 15 minutes to arrive. At 9:50 a.m., the judge moved to proceed with trial without the defendant present.

“A warrant has been issued for his arrest,” Stevens said. “It’s obvious the defense is not providing me any information to make the court believe there is no good reason to move forward.”

Walker’s attorney, Bruce Smith, advised that his client had been out late with friends the night before and asked to spend, “the next couple hours” to “try to convince him into coming here.”

“The defendant has, on his own volition, elected not to appear – and we will move forward, like the rules allow,” Stevens said.  

The jury was brought into the courtroom, without the defendant present, at 10:07 a.m.