Beaumont confirms 54 new COVID-19 cases Feb. 8

  • Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames’ daily COVID-19 update

    Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames’ daily COVID-19 update

    Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames’ daily COVID-19 update
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Beaumont confirmed 54 new COVID-19 cases and two deaths Feb. 8, according to data from the city's Public Health Department.

According to data from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Jefferson County has confirmed 17,556 cases and 313 deaths as of Feb. 8. Hardin County had confirmed 2,259 cases and 83 deaths as of Feb. 8, while Orange County has reported 3,569 cases and 98 deaths.

Physicians suggest residents purchase a pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen saturation. If that level drops below 92, immediate medical attention should be sought.