EDITORIAL: Publisher urges police chief to protect the people first


A call for accountability 

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In the early hours of Sunday morning, a frightened child reached out to her mother, recounting a horrifying scene involving Orange County Constable Matt Ortego, who was allegedly drunk and threatening her and others with a gun. The swift response of four officers from the Vidor Police Department and a deputy from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office was commendable, arriving at the scene within minutes. 

However, the subsequent decision not to arrest a man terrorizing his daughter and others in the wee hours of the morning, but instead take him to the hospital for a mental evaluation raises serious concerns, begs the questions as to whom Chief Rod Carroll wanted to protect – children bullied by a drunken man with a badge and gun at 1 a.m., or his friend the constable?

In situations where a public official, especially one entrusted with law enforcement responsibilities, is involved in a potentially dangerous incident, the need for transparency and accountability is paramount. The decision not to press charges against Constable Ortego, despite the alleged threats made to multiple children, leaves us to ask the question: Is a different standard being applied to Ortego than any other citizen?

Our community deserves answers, and Chief Rod Carroll owes the public a clear and thorough explanation for the decision not to arrest Ortego. A threat involving a firearm, especially against children, is a matter that should be treated with the utmost seriousness. The information of a called-in criminal complaint now reverts to abject secrecy under the cloud of “medical information,” and the absence of press releases at the height of the incident from Chief Carroll’s office, known for its usually proactive communication, only intensifies the public’s concerns and suspicions.

It is crucial to separate personal and political considerations from the duty to uphold justice. Chief Carroll’s familiarity with the complexities of dealing with elected officials should not interfere with the proper handling of this case. The responsibility to charge Matt Ortego lies squarely with Chief Carroll’s department and the public demands accountability. 

If there are valid reasons for the decision not to press charges, these should be communicated. However, if this incident is being treated differently (as it certainly appears) due to Ortego’s position, it undermines the trust citizens place in all law enforcement.

As of press time, no charges have been filed for this most recent call to the police for help from Ortego’s family. A child made a call fearing for her life and that of others, the streets were almost immediately lined with flashing lights and sirens, yet the perpetrator was not arrested. 

Chief Carroll must act in the best interest of the public, ensuring that justice is served without bias or preferential treatment. Failure to do so would not only compromise the integrity of the police department but also erode the community’s faith in the very institution tasked with protecting them. The public deserves clarity, and Chief Carroll must provide it. 

Anything less would be a blatant disservice to the community he has sworn to protect and serve.