Evacuation order placed for Hardin County

  • Map of Hardin County locales likely to flood

    Map of Hardin County locales likely to flood

    Map of Hardin County locales likely to flood
  • Voluntary evacuation order

    Voluntary evacuation order

    Voluntary evacuation order

Hardin County Judge Wayne McDaniel has ordered a voluntary evacuation of low-lying areas beginning at 2 p.m. May 21.

“Subsequent to the Declaration of Disaster issued this morning, and based upon forecasts of additional rainfall in our region/area, which holds much uncertainty at this time, I find it necessary to issue this Notice of Voluntary Evacuation of Low Lying Areas of Hardin County, Texas,” McDaniel advised an hour in advance of the 2 p.m. evacuation order. “Those residents and businesses located in low lying areas should strongly consider evacuating themselves and their pets/livestock from those areas, and please do not forget to ensure your important documents are either with you or in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box or in a family member’s safe in a non-threatened area.”

McDaniel said he hopes the voluntary order will prevent first responders from having to rescue people once a disaster has already struck. The county judge lists what he believes are likely to be the most impacted areas: All areas along the Neches River, Village Creek, Pine Island Bayou and other waterways. For additional reference, visit this website hosted by the Texas Water Development Board: https://webapps.usgs.gov/infrm/fdst/...

“Stay vigilant, remain weather aware, and stay safe,” McDaniel advised.