Hardin County announces new positive tests for Lumberton; new restrictions for Walmart stores

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Hardin County Judge Wayne McDaniel announced on Saturday evening that Hardin County now has nine positive COVID-19 tests - six in Lumberton and three in Silsbee.

"As previously reported, one Lumberton resident passed away on March 26th. Our prayers are with Karen Westbrook and her entire family. I will also add that the Hardin County Health Department is currently investigating the death of a Silsbee resident who was tested for COVID-19 prior to passing away on Friday, and I fear that once this investigation is completed we will be reporting our 2nd COVID-19-related fatality. One Hardin County resident who previously tested positive for the virus was moved to the ‘Recovered’ column today."

Also, McDaniel stated that area Walmart stores would be implementing new social distancing rules.

"-Only the grocery entrance will be open.
-There will be 150 numbered shopping carts available for customers.
-If there is a numbered cart available when you arrive, you will be assigned a sanitized cart to go in, purchase your essentials and get out so the next person can go in. No time for browsing or mingling – Get in, and get out – 1 person per family.
-If no cart is available, then you will wait in a line or in your car until one becomes available
-You must be at least 6 feet from any other person at all times, whether inside or outside the store.

All other Walmart stores in the 6 County area are doing this by now, and Lowe’s is working to implement the same procedure."