Kountze city administrator terminated

  • Hutto


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With two alderpersons recusing themselves, the Kountze City Council voted 3-0 to end the employment of longtime City Administrator Rod Hutto during the elected body’s Aug. 28 special meeting at City Hall. Hutto served as Kountze City Administrator since 2004 under Mayor Fred Williams.

City Attorney Kate Leverett said the council discussed Hutto’s contract and evaluation during an hour-long executive session also attended by the executive employee.

“Based on the evaluation, the council, if it’s the pleasure of them and if they will, make the motion to terminate Mr. Hutto effective today from the city administrator position,” Leverett recited when the group returned to open session. “The motion is to terminate the contract immediately.”

The city’s attorney noted that Mayor Pro Tem Glenn Matthews and Alderwoman Andrea Cutwright recused themselves from the vote. Alderman Jim Shirey and Alderwoman Barbara Greer, both elected in May, made the motion and seconded it, respectively, to terminate the contract and employment of the city administrator. Alderman Jack Darden voted with Shirey and Greer to terminate Hutto’s contract.

Aug. 28 was the third time council took action on Hutto’s contract. July 17, Hutto’s contract was discussed during executive session with action taken allegedly outside the scope of legality. Aug. 3, a special meeting was held to rescind the July action.

“You got what you wanted ever since you got here, Barbara,” Hutto addressed the alderwoman making the motion to terminate the city administrator’s contract, additionally alleging the same of retired Justice of the Peace T. J. Hall. The outburst prompted intervention from Police Chief Brent Slaughter, who asked that Hutto “step out” of the Council Chamber.

“Don’t touch me, Brent,” Hutto rebuffed, further making a plea to retrieve his personal belongings from his office. Pro Tem Matthews denied the request.

“I’ve got personal stuff in this office!” Hutto shouted, before retreating to the personal vehicle he parked at the church next to the City Hall property.

While sitting in his truck, Hutto’s move for sanctuary was cut short by a Kountze Police Department officer who advised Hutto that the council was asking that the terminated employee be required to leave the adjoining property.

“I’m just doing my job,” the officer said.

Hutto expressed indignation at his unceremonial extraction; as a veteran employee of the city for more than two decades with only two write-ups on his record, Hutto said his job performance is not the reason he has been ejected from his role at the city.

“It’s a personal vendetta,” Hutto said; “and, it’s because I turned in an illegal document.”

Hutto points to the questionable legality of an invoice reportedly approved by three council members — former alderwoman Kim Price, Cutwright and Matthews — for former City Secretary Sonya Arline to pay herself a $2,312 check for 68 hours of unused vacation.

“The personnel policy states use it or lose it,” Hutto said. “I’ve been city administrator for nearly 20 years and we’ve never paid anyone for unused vacation time.”

What’s more, Hutto added, “These three council members got together to approve to pay her for unused vacation time because it’s against personnel policy and three council members can’t discuss any city issues unless at a meeting. They violated the Open Meeting Act.”

Hutto said Matthews signed the check and Arline stamped Mayor Fred Williams’ signature on the check, which didn’t even hold back taxes.

“Matthews has never ever signed a check for the city of Kountze,” Hutto added – just this one. The check made out to Arline was invoiced and issued the same day, March 30.

By April 24, Hutto contacted Police Chief Slaughter to be a witness and asks for Arline to turn in her resignation. New council members, Shirey and Greer, join the council in May, and on June 12, Arline filed a grievance with the city alleging a hostile work environment, intimidation and harassment. With the results of an investigation into Arline’s grievance complete by June 26, the city secretary was terminated from employment – and the city administrator’s days were numbered.

Hutto said he doesn’t plan to go quietly into the night, however. According to the now former city administrator, the city owes him back pay for years of subpar salary adjustments demanded pursuant to a signed contract. Aug. 29, Hutto emailed a request to city officials requesting back payments for the past 19 years. According to Hutto, his original contract in 2004 stated he was to receive a $5,000 salary increase each year from the date of his official hiring as city administrator.

“My records indicate that the city owes me $155,094, plus the 5% matching of the retirement system, which comes to a total of $162,848,” Hutto presented to The Examiner – and to the city he served, requesting Kountze officials pay in full no later than Sept. 8.

Assistant City Administrator Tim Drake said the council’s contract information was “confidential.”

Matthews offered, “No comment,” when asked why he recused himself from the vote.