Local NAACP chapter plans rally for George Floyd

  • From the Beaumont chapter of the NAACP

    From the Beaumont chapter of the NAACP

    From the Beaumont chapter of the NAACP

Beaumont's chapter of the NAACP announced plans to host a rally May 28, calling for justice regarding the death of a Houston native in Minneapolis. The rally, billed as a "let your voice be heard" gathering, is set for 6:30 p.m. at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. 

The event announcement came two days after George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in police custody after Derek Chauvin, a white former police officer, pinned the former's neck to the ground for eight minutes, according to widespread reports and a bystander's video. Chauvin was fired from his position, but voices across the nation are calling for more action to be taken.