Mayor sets executive session to discuss nail shop visit at April 28 council meeting

  • Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames speaks at a city council meeting April 3.

    Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames speaks at a city council meeting April 3.

    Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames speaks at a city council meeting April 3.

In a news release April 23, Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames apologized for her visit to a local nail salon which has caused quite a stir among residents cooped up in their homes due to stay-at-home orders. Ames has asked to address the city council on the matter in executive session at the next council meeting April 28. 

"My heartfelt apology to all of the citizens of Beaumont for my lapse in judgement on Tuesday, April 21," the release reads. "I promise that there was no malice intended. I should never have entered the salon last Tuesday. I did not intend to take personal privelege while asking others to sacrifice, and for that I am truly remorseful.

"As an elected official, I am held to a higher standard; I regret my action that day. I am honestly sorry and I pray you will forgive me. In addition, I have asked the city attorney to place me on executive session this Tuesday (April 28) so I can discuss this issue with my fellow councilmembers."