Orange County Sheriff: The Examiner endorses Bobby Smith

  • Bobby Smith

    Bobby Smith

    Bobby Smith

As the countdown to early voting commencing on Feb. 20 ticks away, the community’s pulse is palpable with anticipation and fervor over the race for sheriff in Orange County – a race that has drawn a cache of contenders vying for the position. Still, even with a full ballot, one name resonates as a frontrunner among the masses: Bobby Smith, the recently retired Texas Ranger and revered local law enforcement figure backed by a chorus of prestigious endorsements from entities such as the Sabine Area Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, West Orange Police Department Officers Association, and former Orange County Sheriff Keith Merritt. Adding to the endorsements, The Examiner wholly supports Smith’s bid for sheriff, as well.

As Smith embarks on this new chapter, his journey is not merely a personal transition but a profound opportunity for Orange County to usher in a new era of governance characterized by transparency, collaboration and unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of its residents.

Smith’s distinguished career, spanning nearly three decades in law enforcement, is a testament to his unwavering pledge to justice and profound understanding of the intricate challenges facing communities like Orange County. From his early days as a Texas Highway Patrol officer to his tenure as a captain and major with the Texas Rangers, Smith has navigated the complexities of crime and security with unparalleled expertise and resolve.

Throughout his career, Smith has been at the forefront of numerous high-profile investigations, from tragic school shootings to violent criminal incidents that have gripped the state. His leadership acumen, honed through years of service and specialized training, has earned him recognition as a trusted authority in law enforcement, both within Texas and beyond.

Yet, it is not just Smith’s professional accolades that make him the ideal candidate for Orange County Sheriff; it is his deep-rooted connection to the community and sincere dedication to its people. As a longtime resident of Orange County, Smith understands the unique needs and concerns of its citizens, and he is committed to addressing them with diligence and compassion.

Smith’s vision for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is one of proactive leadership and collaboration. He understands the importance of working hand-in-hand with local agencies and community stakeholders to tackle the root causes of crime and ensure the safety of all residents. His proposal for a multi-agency task force dedicated to combating narcotics and human trafficking exemplifies his commitment to proactive, coordinated efforts to address pressing issues facing the county.

Moreover, Smith’s pledge to prioritize recruitment and retention of highly qualified officers underscores his commitment to building a Sheriff’s Office that reflects the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. By investing in the training and development of personnel, Smith seeks to equip the department with the tools and resources necessary to meet the evolving needs of Orange County effectively.

As the March 2024 primary approaches, the choice before Orange County voters is clear: Bobby Smith represents not just a candidate but a catalyst for positive change. With his experience, vision and unparalleled dedication to service, Smith is poised to lead Orange County into a future defined by safety, accountability and prosperity.

In endorsing Bobby Smith for Orange County Sheriff, The Examiner affirms belief in his ability to uphold the values and principles that define our community. With Smith at the helm, we can trust that Orange County will continue to thrive as a beacon of safety, security and solidarity for all who call it home.