Orange limits fur family to five

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Residents in the Orange city limits cannot have more than five dogs and/or cats in one household, after the City Council passed the final reading of a pet ordinance on March 12. The ordinance went into effect immediately.

According to the ordinance, residents may keep or harbor five dogs and/or cats combined at a single residence. Puppies kittens age four months and under are exempt from the count. Licensed animal shelters, veterinary clinics and registered breeders are exempts. Individuals recognized as responsible pet owners or fanciers may apply for an exemption based on compliance with breeding standards and ethical practices. Also exempt are individuals who are registered as bona fide rescue entities or foster family, in which 10 dogs and/or cats can be housed.

The city’s Animal Control officer is authorized to enforce the ordinance and violations may result in fines, impoundment of excess animals or other penalties.

According to a Feb. 20 memo to City Manager Mike Kunst from Devon Williams, assistant to the city manager, the proposed ordinance balances the welfare of the community with concerns for responsible pet ownership.