Port Arthur diminishes outstanding water bills

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    Water tap

    Water tap
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City of Port Arthur

City of Port Arthur


From a high point of more than half the city’s water service accounts being delinquent, Port Arthur officials announced a new low in the numbers of accounts in arrears for water bill payments.

“We had the highest delinquency rate there was as far as utilities were concerned,” Port Arthur City Councilwoman Charlotte Moses remarked. “It was over 50%. To get that to 12% in 2021 is fantastic.”

City leaders attributed staff efforts to getting the accounts current.

“We are no different than any other utility company that exists,” City Manager Ron Burton said. “I am glad we put something in place so that we are not at that level anymore.”

For starters, bills are due in full when collected.

“In the past, there was a policy that we allowed a carry-over balance,” Burton said. “I took that away.

“You go pay your cable bill, you pay it in full. You go pay your electric bill, you pay it in full. You pay your mortgage in full. That’s the only way the city can continue to provide drinking water to the residents.”

Burton said that residents having difficulty paying their water bill can still receive reprieve with the city in the form of a payment plan or some similar alternative set on a case-by-case basis.