Port Arthur limits groups, including churches

  • Port Arthur City Council

    Port Arthur City Council

    Port Arthur City Council

At the direction of City Attorney Val Tizeno, the Port Arthur City Council and Mayor Thurman Bartie passed an amended ordinance that would limit public congregation of more than 10 in public or private city facilities.

“The purposes of us bringing this amended ordinance back is to consider what the governor has ordered, the most recent data from FEMA, and the … fifth amended emergency order (from Jefferson County),” Tizeno said. “We want to make sure what we’re doing is also in line with the county.”

Previously, city ordinance limited crowds to 50; the move is to limit to 10.

When voting to approve the diminished crowd capacity, Bartie clarified what wasn’t written down.

“It doesn’t (specifically) say it,” Bartie referenced the amended ordinance, “but this includes churches, weddings, funerals… when we say private, they are included… with these clubs and other area businesses…”

Following the public meeting of the council to amend the ordinance on Friday, March 20, the city leaders recessed to executive session to discuss mitigation and preparation response, according to the city attorney.