Retired teachers donate hundreds of books to BISD students

  • Kindergarten through third-grade students at Amelia and Blanchette received 525 books donated by the Beaumont Association of Retired Teachers (BART).

    Kindergarten through third-grade students at Amelia and Blanchette received 525 books donated by the Beaumont Association of Retired Teachers (BART).

    Kindergarten through third-grade students at Amelia and Blanchette received 525 books donated by the Beaumont Association of Retired Teachers (BART).

Kindergarten through third-grade students at Amelia and Blanchette received 525 books donated by the Beaumont Association of Retired Teachers (BART).

Fannie Brown, BART’s second Vice-President and Children’s Book Project Chair, collects books each year.

“We don't just donate books to a campus, we want to put them directly into the hands of students,” she said. “It's important for us to see them pick a book and take ownership.”

BART used the cafeteria to display the books at the campuses.

“We spread out all the books so children can see one they like, then they come to the autograph table to write their name in it, giving them ownership,” Brown said. “As a final step, they must promise to read it everyday.”

The Children’s Book Project is a service activity initiated by the local unit of the Texas Retired Teachers Association that promotes reading by putting books into the hands of children.

“The Children’s Book Project is amazing. It is the reason I keep collecting books each year,” Brown added. “The children were so thankful, which makes the project so worthwhile. Their enthusiasm keeps us going.”