Rumors, innuendos, no reported investigations take off at BISD campuses


Students circulate allegations of educator sexual misconduct

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Beaumont ISD students are abuzz with allegations of sexual misconduct by more than one of their teachers, but administrators have little to report as stated investigations into the claims are still being vetted through various channels. 

Last week, The Examiner learned through multiple unrelated sources of allegations of sexual misconduct and pending investigation against more than one Southeast Texas educator. Following up on said allegations, it was determined that no arrests nor indictments had been made, despite confidential claims to the contrary, but there was more than smoke to the firestorm brewing. The allegations involved at least one high-school-aged student and more than one educator. 

Days after students started speaking out about the matter, stating that police presence on campus prompted them to believe an educator was under arrest, Beaumont ISD Director of Community and Media Relations Jackie Simien was able to connect the dots – somewhat. 

“No teachers were arrested on the BISD campus,” said Simien, “but I now understand why the students would have thought that was the case.” 

Simien confirmed that a high-school-level educator was recently placed on administrative leave and, upon needing to collect a few of their personal belongings, was escorted by BISD Police Department officers to and from their former education space. 

“Of course, the kids see the cops walking this teacher through and think they are being arrested,” said Simien, who added that no further details about the educator’s administrative leave were available. “He needed to return to campus to get some things he forgot.

“It’s just amazing how people will make up stuff to … fill in the blanks.”

A teacher from the same high school campus said the educator on administrative leave is at the heart of student commentary and controversy. Speaking with The Examiner in confidence, the teacher said administration has put a halt to staff discussing the matter and has instructed teachers to stop student chatter about the allegations, as well.

“That’s all the students are talking about,” the teacher said. “It’s everywhere.

“The district is keeping it hush-hush, but I worry about (the alleged victim) and that student’s safety net.”

As far as the witness teacher can tell, the alleged victim may be untruthful – but a report was made that needs to be investigated. To the teacher, their students, and the alleged victim, they said, the silence from administration makes them believe the allegation has not been taken seriously enough to be properly prodded by police. Now, parents and community members are beginning to ask questions, too, the teacher advised.

“All I can say is the students are talking about it all the time and I don’t know if it’s true what they’re saying or not,” the teacher said. “Administration says not to say anything, but it makes me worry.”

In addition to the allegation against the high school educator on administrative leave, their wife, also an educator, was named as a sexual predator in the complaint. Additionally, a separate student has made a claim against a middle school educator – but the claim varies depending on who’s telling the tale. From a student tip given to The Examiner, the accusation is of inappropriate text messaging between an educator and an eighth-grade student in Beaumont ISD. Simien confirmed the alleged middle school campus is the same in both versions of the story.

“I’m not sure how the (BISD educator’s) wife is accused of being involved in this, but the kids are all talking about it and it’s all over social media,” Simien said while pointing to a Facebook post that was brought to her attention. “The kids are even saying a teacher impregnated a 9th grader at another campus, claiming there are photos and videos, and we have no proof or details or anything to substantiate these allegations. 

“I really think the kids are all just making this up.” 

According to Simien at press time, when asked if there was an open investigation regarding the allegations, BISD PD responded by saying they “cannot comment on personnel issues.” 

Beaumont Police Department (BPD) Chief of Police Jimmy Singletary said the municipal law enforcement agency has been hearing the same allegations of educator misconduct that was reported to The Examiner. Unfortunately, Singletary said, none of that advisement has come from the Beaumont ISD Police Department. 

“Honestly, we’re in the same boat you’re in. We’ve heard the same thing, and it’s not our case, but we heard the same thing,” Singletary said. “I heard (the accused educator) was suspended, but there aren’t any charges filed at this time. 

“I hate to say it, but those guys just don’t have the experience working cases like that at BISD and usually they’ll call me and ask for my people to help them – but they didn’t do it this time.” 

 — Managing Editor Jennifer Johnson contributed to this report.