Survey success would enhance local internet access

  • A graphic with a quote from Governor Greg Abbott about Broadband Access.

    A graphic with a quote from Governor Greg Abbott about Broadband Access.

    A graphic with a quote from Governor Greg Abbott about Broadband Access.

With a goal to “close the digital divide” of Southeast Texans in Orange, Jefferson, Hardin and Orange counties, the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) is asking members of the community to participate in a survey with real-world funding implications attached. Participant groups are needed from household, business, agriculture, the health industry, primary education, higher education, libraries, nonprofits, governmental institutions and public safety sectors.

To participate, visit the website connected to the county of origin:

The survey is available in Spanish and English.

Survey collection will end on March 31, with an action plan expected by the end of May.

Among the benefits expected from implementing processes based on survey response, a prime goal is to facilitate and accelerate improvements to internet access by “identifying and pursuing public and private funding opportunities to improve infrastructure through partnerships with private broadband providers.” Residents in locations covered by the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission would then, as the purpose of the survey, benefit from the development and implementation of policies, procedures, bylaws, reports and actions plan to enhance broadband connectivity.

Utilizing informal or formal partnerships that would enhance the success of connectivity related projects, information gleaned from the survey will be used to map a systematic and coordinated approach to bring internet connectivity to all of Southeast Texas.

In February, SETRPC joined the South East Texas Economic Development District and Connected Nation Texas to host a broadband survey kick-off event, advising of the importance of survey participation.

“It’s especially exciting to see all those involved, including school districts, and we appreciate input into this worthwhile endeavor,” SETRPC Executive Director Shanna Burke said. Current maps provided by the FCC regarding the number of residents and businesses that have adequate broadband service are majorly overestimated, she further noted. Surveys like the one currently underway will add data where none existed before.

“It is imperative that we get as many citizens as possible to participate in the survey to reflect the overwhelming need for broadband expansion in our area,” SETRPC Director of Transportation and Environmental Resources Bob Dickinson added.