Weber sends invite to Texas Tea in Washington, D.C.

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U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14) is inviting Texas resident visiting Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, June 21 or Thursday, July 13 to a Texas Tea reception from 4-5 p.m.
Those attending will have tea with member of the Texas Delegation in the Cannon Caucus Room at 27 Independence Ave. SE in Washington, D.C.
This event is an excellent opportunity for constituents across Texas' 14th Congressional District to connect with fellow Texans to meet and interact with members of the Texas Delegation, as well as engage in conversations about issues that are important to you and our beloved state.
Visitors will have the chance to share their perspectives, ask questions and learn more about the work being done on your behalf in Washington, D.C. 
"Whether you are visiting D.C. for business, pleasure or any other purpose, we would be honored if you could make time to join us for this special occasion," Weber stated.
Other Texas Delegation include U.S. Reps. Dan Creshaw, Keith Self, Pat Fallon, Brian Babin, Jake Ellzey, John Carter, Monica De La Cruz and Beth Van Duyne.