PAPD data shows a drop in several crime areas


Data comparing 2018 and 2019 crime in Port Arthur shows a decline in six major crime categories, but a rise in one.

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Port Arthur experienced a dramatic decline in several major crime categories from 2018 to 2019, according to data released by the Port Arthur Police Department.

The release shows a drop in the rates of murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, theft and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Sex crimes, however, rose by 25%.

Murder – down 38.5%

Robbery –  down 15.6%

Agg. Assault – down 26.7%

Burglary – down 44.8%

Theft – down 11.3%

Unauthorized use of motor vehicle – down 10.2%

Sex crimes – up 25%

Pick up a copy of The Examiner Feb. 6 for more on the story.