Beaumont confirms 3 new COVID-19 cases

  • Beaumont, Texas

    Beaumont, Texas

    Beaumont, Texas

March 31, 2020 the Beaumont Public Health Department (BPHD) received confirmation of 3 positive cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Beaumont, bringing the total number of cases to 21 (19 in Beaumont and 2 in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County). The three new Beaumont cases weren’t included in the six-county coalition’s daily update.

The age ranges for today’s confirmations for Beaumont are:

2 between the ages of 50-55

1 between the ages of 85-90

All 3 are quarantined at home.

For confidentiality purposes, BPHD is not releasing any additional information to identify the individual.

BPHD is beginning epidemiological investigations of these recent confirmations and is working to quickly identify close contacts of the individuals. Those may include family, friends, co-workers and other potential contacts.