Beaumont confirms two new COVID-19 cases

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    City of Beaumont logo

    City of Beaumont logo

Today, April 2, 2020 the Beaumont Public Health Department (BPHD) received confirmation of 2 positive cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Beaumont, according to a news release, bringing the total number of cases to 27 (25 in Beaumont and 2 in the unincorporated areas of Jefferson County).

The age ranges for today’s confirmations are:

1 between the ages of 55-60

1 between the ages of 50-55

Again, this is an important reminder that COVIC-19 is a very serious disease. While 80% of the individuals who contract COVIC-19 will have mild to moderate symptoms and fully recover, they may spread the disease to people who are at high risk. The elderly and people with underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems are at a much higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19. We strongly advise the citizens of Beaumont to minimize contact with others as much as possible and practice social distancing as outlined in the Stay Home-Work Safe Order issued by Mayor Becky Ames.