Groves adds to cases of coronavirus

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    City of Groves logo

    City of Groves logo

“As of 1 p.m. today, we have four confirmed cases of the virus in the City of Groves,” Groves Fire Chief/EMC Lance Billeaud reported on Tuesday, April 7. Billeaud asked for the community’s support in trying to stem the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak by staying at home, social distancing and following the county’s emergency declaration orders.

“Everyone needs to stay home as much as possible,” he said. “Go to work, or to the grocery store, or pick up food at a local restaurant, but please go back home. When you are at these places, remember your social distancing guidelines. You can go outside your house and walk your neighborhood or ride a bike around. Again, keep your proper social distancing when doing so.

If we all can follow this, the sooner we can get back to our regular routines and reunite with our loved ones and friends.”