Jefferson County enacts order to wear face coverings in public places

  • Woman in face mask

    Woman in face mask

    Woman in face mask

Effective after noon on June 24 until at least July 1, all commercial entities in Jefferson County “must require, at minimum, that all employees or visitors wear face coverings when in an area or performing an activity … where six feet of separation is not feasible,” an order signed by Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick alerted the public the day before the new restrictions were to be in place to stem the spread of COVID-19 as the county continues to see a rise in cases of the virus.

Face coverings, the county’s order states, “shall” be used by all residents over 10 years old when in public places where social distancing is difficult. Exceptions to the face covering order include when exercising or engaging in outside physical activity, driving alone or with passengers from the same household, when doing so “poses a greater mental or physical health, safety or security risk,” while pumping gas or operating outdoor equipment, at banks (for example) that require mask-less entry for security surveillance, and when eating or drinking.