BPD arrests soccer field trespasser

  • Ronald Lee Kuykendall, 58, of Beaumont

    Ronald Lee Kuykendall, 58, of Beaumont

    Ronald Lee Kuykendall, 58, of Beaumont

After nearly a week's worth of 911 calls, a Beaumont man was arrested Oct. 23 for trespassing on local soccer fields.

The ordeal began Tuesday, Oct. 20, according to a news release, when Beaumont police responded to the Beaumont Youth Soccer Club (BYSC), located on Dishman Road in reference to a suspicious person, identified as Ronald Lee Kuykendall, 58, of Beaumont. Witnesses told officers that a white male was at the soccer fields with a dog and seven puppies. The Kuykendall interacted with several children, letting them hold the puppies and, at one point, asked children to help him bring the puppies to his truck.

That prompted a concerned citizen to call and report the Kuykendall’s suspicious activity. BPD officers arrived and spoke with several people, as well as the suspect. It was determined that no crime had been committed at that time, however BYSC personnel made the decision to have Kuykendall trespass warned from the property.

A criminal trespass warning is a written notice issued by police to a person at the request of a property or business owner or a representative. It is kept on file and informs the person named on the warning that they are not allowed to return to the property and if they violate the warning, they will be arrested for criminal trespass.

Following the on scene investigation, officers released the Kuykendall with a trespass warning. However, that failed to deter the man from reappearing.

Just before 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22, Beaumont police responded back out to BYSC in reference to Kuykendall being on the property again, violating the trespass warning. The suspect left prior to officer’s arrival, however a police report was completed for criminal trespass.

Around 9 a.m. the next day, Beaumont police responded to BYSC yet again in reference to the same suspect being back on the property. This time, Kuykendall was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing. He was also found to have drug paraphernalia on his person, resulting in another charge.

BPD detectives spoke with Kuykendall at length about the circumstances surrounding his suspicious behavior at the soccer fields on and his subsequent returns even after being trespass warned. At this time, with the exception of criminal trespass and possession of drug paraphernalia, Kuykendall has not been charged with any other crimes surrounding his visits to the soccer fields.

He was transported to the Jefferson County Jail and booked in for the above listed charges. Judge Collins then placed a $10,000 bond on Kuykendall as well as a gps monitor. Also, as a condition of bond, Judge Collins ordered that Kuykendall cannot contact anyone under the age of 17.