Court to replace retiring commissioner

  • Brent Weaver is sworn in as county commissioner

    Brent Weaver is sworn in as county commissioner

    Brent Weaver is sworn in as county commissioner
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Brent Weaver

Brent Weaver


Following Jefferson County Commissioner Brent Weaver's announcement of his intent to retire, County Judge Jeff Branick revealed the court's pick for a replacement Jan. 25. 

Retired Nederland Police Chief Darrell Bush was tapped to take Weaver's position until it expires in 2022. Weaver announced he wouldn't be seeking re-election in January 2020, citing a shared urge with his wife to free up time to be with their kids and explore their options.

“I don’t need a rocking chair right now,” Weaver quipped when asked about his retirement plans. “We’re still young. My wife and I both started working when we were 22 years old, so we have the ability and opportunity to retire a little younger.”

Weaver said his decision to retire was influenced by his wife’s retirement from teaching in Nederland’s public schools two years ago and his recent medical issue. Weaver had a seizure in August that resulted in a significant heart issue. That issue has “hopefully” been resolved, but will need monitoring. 

“It gave us a moment to reflect on the important things in life,” he said. “It’s not something I took lightly. We really took the decision to heart, prayed about it and made sure we were making the right decision. We have children who live in the Austin area, and by not running for a fourth term it gives us that freedom and opportunity to relocate when we’re ready.”

"I will miss him and his devotion to the people of Jefferson County," penned Branick. "And while I will miss his partnership, I fully understand his motivations and appreciate that devotion to family is of the first order. I believe that Chief Bush possesses the intellect and devotion to public service and willingness to listen that will serve him well as interim County Commissioner."

Bush will not run for the position upon his term's expiration, according to Branick.