Cake knife-wielding, shopper-assaulting attorney released

  • Davis



A Houston attorney accused of attacking HEB shoppers  – and a public servant – with a cake knife in 2020 was released from the Jefferson County Jail after a bond reduction Jan. 31.

According to a probable cause affidavit penned by Beaumont Police Department (BPD) Officer T. Armstrong, 39-year-old Katrina Davis grabbed a cake knife from the bakery section of HEB’s College Street location Sept. 24, 2020. In an attempt to intervene and quell the danger, Beaumont Fire Marshall Terence Simon entered the store and tried to calm Davis.

That’s when Davis began swinging the knife at Simon’s head, effectively assaulting a public servant in the eyes of Texas law, the officer swears. Simon was reportedly able to avoid the attack without injury while diverting Davis’ attention from shoppers. BPD officers eventually arrived and disarmed Davis by deploying a conducted electrical weapon.

Davis’ lawyer told Jefferson County Criminal Court Judge John Stevens she wasn’t a further threat to society and deserved a lowered bail so she could work as an attorney from home confinement. Stevens said he would send a notice to Davis’ attorney at the close of the hearing before she was released from the Jefferson County Jail.