Golden Triangle takes Austin road trip

  • Golden Triangle Days

    Golden Triangle Days

    Golden Triangle Days

Southeast Texas’ joint lobbying efforts will be on display at the state Capitol in Austin when Golden Triangle Days once again culminates on Feb. 27 and 28. Registration is currently open, with registrations forms located online at

Registration will close Feb. 10, but late fees will be assessed for registrations made after Jan. 6.

The legislative priorities for Golden Triangle Days in Austin represent the important business issues facing the Golden Triangle – the energy-gateway for the State of Texas and the United States, according to the chambers of commerce supporting the joint field trip. Consisting of the cities of Beaumont, Orange and Port Arthur, and the counties of Jefferson and Orange, the Golden Triangle is home to the largest petrochemical, refining and manufacturing complex in the nation responsible for $21 billion in annual gross product and $942 million in annual taxes for the state of Texas, the group details. 

The conjoined agenda has been developed by the chambers of commerce of the represented cities and approved by their respective boards of directors. The chambers represent thousands of businesses throughout the region.

Golden Triangle Days in Austin is hosted by the local area chambers of commerce, and provides an opportunity to socialize and build business relationships with others from Southeast Texas, as well as with state officials, agency directors and their staff members. Meetings with state agency department heads and other officials provide a forum for our delegation to provide information and/or requests to those in Austin, asking for their support or assistance.

All delegates are urged to attend every meeting and event during the legislative trip, as every aspect of the event encompasses a valuable part of the process. 

“This is a tremendous opportunity to better understand the way the business of our state is handled and to make an impact on the benefits to our area,” the chambers joint announcement reads.

During time between group meetings and events, delegates are encouraged to visit the offices of Senators and Representatives from across the state to introduce organizations to elected officials and their key staff members.

Name badges must be worn at all times for entry into meetings and social events. All delegates are invited to attend all events. Most costs for the activities are being defrayed by sponsors; however, delegates are responsible for their registration fee, travel and hotel fees, plus any personally-incurred expenses. Business casual attire is acceptable during the event. 

“Everyone should be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as extensive walking will be required.”

For additional information, or immediate assistance, contact the Greater Port Arthur Chamber at (409) 963-1107, email or visit 501 Procter Street, Suite 300, in Port Arthur.