Sheriff encourages IEA youth at awards program

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IEA-Inspire, Encourage, Achieve recently hosted its annual Awards & Recognition Dinner at the LIT MultiPurpose Center, with staff, mentors, volunteers, representatives from Jefferson County Juvenile Probation (JCJP), elected officials and board members, along with BPD Cops ’N Kids officers, joining parents and youth in recognizing year-end achievements and reinforcing character qualities in IEA Ben’s Kids youth who have participated in a variety of outreach activities.

With a stated mission to initiate and support educational programming and rehabilitative services for at-risk youth in Southeast Texas by inspiring and encouraging them to achieve, IEA not only assists youth in achieving their goals, but also celebrates their accomplishments.

Introduced by IEA mentor and staff member Joe Evans, Jefferson County Sheriff Zena Stephens took time to share her own struggle to succeed, becoming the first Black Sheriff in Jefferson County and also the first female to hold the position.

“So many sacrificed to help get me here,” Stephens shared, adding that what might appear today as someone’s success story involves many untold struggles along the way. “The reality is, in life you will face opposition. People will set up obstacles and roadblocks. Somebody out there won’t like you or will try to stand in your way. Are you prepared to fight that battle? If so, be clear about who you are and what you want. It’s not always easy. Bad things happen to good people. But don’t let that discourage you. Every success I’ve had in life has come out of a failure or setback.”

IEA Founder and Chair Regina Rogers recognized former Entergy President Joe Domino and wife Linda, IEA board secretary, for a host of efforts made over the years – not the least of which includes the Entergy underwriting of Camp Bright Star with Domino’s endorsement. Other board members present included Beaumont Police Department Chief Jimmy Singletary, Robert Turner of JK Chevrolet and JCJP Chief Ed Cockrell.

IEA Service Coordinator Donna Taylor noted special awards for 12 BPD officers who volunteered and facilitated this year’s Ben’s Kids activities, including “working out” at the boxing gym/ fitness center, bowling at Crossroads, games at Colorado Canyon and golf at 5 Under, providing life lessons along the way. In addition, Ben’s Kids participants were honored with Character Counts Awards, recognizing outstanding improvement, and awards involving Social Learning Project, Global Youth Service Day, along with Certificates of Completion. Three special awards were presented: Outstanding Community Service, Most Improved, and Outstanding Leadership Award. Honor students, as well as high school graduates, received special recognition.

IEA Interim Executive Director Imogene Chargois, who is leaving her position, was recognized by Rogers for 15 months of service with a plaque that read: “In honor of your wonderful heart, exceptional leadership, commitment to service and dedication to helping us provide compassion, understanding and love.

“We love and appreciate you!”

Chargois acknowledged similar sentiments too, thanking staff members and youth for their accomplishments.

“This is a night we are shining a spotlight on them and their successes; and it also is a beginning as they transition into our summer program, Camp Bright Star,” she said.

Stephens, who was remembered for being among the first mentors of the Ben Rogers/Lamar University/BISD Scholarship Program established in 1988, left an indelible impression on the youth in attendance, as well as the organization’s founder.

“How grateful we are for our sheriff, for all our law enforcement officers, and for the positive impact they all have made with our youth and on our community,” Rogers said.

Parting with words of wisdom for the youth in attendance, the sheriff gave pointers for success.

“Life is not going to be fair,” she began. “All of my failures and struggles made me better. It’s about doing a good job despite the odds.

“Be honest. Work hard. Keep working hard, and sooner or later you will make it. Like the inspirational message Ben Rogers loved, I know that every kid in this room … has an opportunity to be successful and make all of us proud.”

For more information, contact iea@ or (409) 839-8778.

— Kathie Platt, Special to The Examiner