Pollinator pointers

  • Monarchs



The Beaumont Native Plant Society of Texas is sponsoring a talk titled “Creating Habitat to Support Migratory Monarchs and All Pollinators,” with special guest speaker Nancy Denmark offering pointers on supporting the local butterfly population, on Sunday, July 30, from 1:30 – 3 p.m.

The event, which is open to the public, will be held at the Garden Center at Tyrell Park Beaumont Botanical Gardens, 6088 Babe Zaharias Dr.

Denmark’s presentation will cover how to best support the monarch migration in Southeast Texas with native milkweeds, and which nectar and host plants attract a diverse range of butterfly species and build healthy ecosystems in yards.

Denmark, or Oramge, is reportedly an experienced butterfly gardener, dedicated to teaching about butterflies, their life cycles, the host and nectar plants to attract them, and the array of insects that makeup a healthy ecosystem in the home garden.