Council records ‘no confidence’ in Vidor mayor

  • Songe


  • Hood



In a 4-2 vote taken at their Sept. 14 regular meeting, the Vidor City Coun- cil approved a resolution calling for a vote of no confidence for Mayor Misty Songe concerning the handling of the city manager, who is currently on forced administrative leave.

Sept. 1, City Manager Robbie Hood was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation involving complaints from several employees. The investigation is being handled by a third-party attorney, according to Songe.

According to unofficial minutes of the meeting, Songe announced the council would not convene in executive session to address personnel matters regarding the mayor.

Councilmember Michael Thompson expressed his concerns about how some thing were handled by Songe and the council’s believe that certain information was withheld during the council’s investigation of allegations against Hood.

Thompson said that not having all available information regarding certain matters prevents the council from making informed decisions.

Councilmember Nicole McGowan alleged the mayor was participating in the same withholding of information from council that she accused the previous mayor, Kimberly Stiebig, of doing and did so for two months.

Songe denied the allegations and said her actions came under the advisement of the city secretary and city attorney in an attempt to avoid a walking quorum.

McGowan said council’s pending investigation into the city manager’s conduct was unrelated to an employee complaints against Hood because the council was not aware of the employee’s allegations at the time.

Songe said she lacked all the information at the time, due to employees coming forward with allegation at various times.

Thompson added he had concerns that the mayor did not reassure employees that an investigation was forthcoming. Songe said there was no deescalating the situation. City Attorney Chris Leavins cautioned the council and mayor against getting into specific details of the allegations because the investigation into the city manager is still open and active.

Thompson, McGowan, Councilmembers Gary Herrera and Kathryn Weldon voted to pass the resolution for a vote of no confidence of the mayor.

“There are times in politics where people don’t see eye to eye and that’s OK,” said Songe.

The council also voted to reinstate Gary Herrera to his Ward 5 post instead of filling his unexpired term with an appointee.

Councilmember Jessica Barker made a motion to appoint Cody Banks to Herrara’s post.

McGowan, Thompson and Weldon opposed the motion while Councilmember Lee and Barker were in favor. Herrera abstained form the vote as the motion failed.

McGowan made a motion to appoint Herrera. Lee and Weldon opposed Herrara to return to his seat. This comes just over one month after the council voted to accept Herrera’s August resignation.

The elected officials additionally appointed the Vidor police chief as interim city manager and Vidor Police Capt. Edward Martin to fill the position of police chief. Both were approved unanimously.

Also, the council voted unanimously to appoint Finance Director Katrina Jones as deputy city secretary. Herrera questioned why the finance director had to serve as the deputy city secretary instead of another city employee.

Leavins said it makes the most sense to appoint Jones being she is familiar with the duties of the city secretary and is located in the same office.