Fugitive in child SETX sex crime arrested in Mexico

  • Lyons



The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported a fugitive was taken into custody and returned to Texas for an alleged child sex crime from 2005, according to a press release from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

Sept. 22, Howard Lyons, 53, of Beaumont, was flown from Mexico City by FBI-Beaumont agents to answer an aggravated sexual assault of a child charge in Beaumont. Lyons was booked into the Jefferson County Correctional Facility shortly after 6 p.m., according to Connor Hagan, FBI Houston public affairs officer.

A federal Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP) investigation into Lyons was opened by FBI Beaumont in 2007. Lyons was found and arrested in a small Yucatan peninsula town in late 2022 directly due to the work of FBI Beaumont’s investigative and analytical team. Strong partnerships between the FBI’s International Operations Division (IOD), Mexican law enforcement and Interpol allowed FBI Beaumont’s investigative efforts to transcend U.S. borders, the local sheriff’s office reported.