Paddle with a purpose

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  • Veterans find solace leaving their troubles on the shores of the SETX riverbanks.

    Veterans find solace leaving their troubles on the shores of the SETX riverbanks.

    Veterans find solace leaving their troubles on the shores of the SETX riverbanks.

Local outdoorsman Joe Winston, a Beaumont native and resident, serves as the director of Therapeutic Programs at Heroes on the Water, a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to providing recreational wellness experiences to veterans and first responders. Since its founding in 2007, Winston has been an integral part of this organization, and now he’s calling for the support of dedicated volunteers to help relaunch the Southeast Texas chapter.

Heroes on the Water primarily focuses on kayak fishing, a modality that has demonstrated cognitive and emotional benefits for veterans and first responders. These programs offer structured activities in a pressure-free environment, foster opportunities for community building and personal healing, and provide participants with much-needed camaraderie and support.

From 2009 to 2015, Joe Winston served as the lead volunteer for the Southeast Texas chapter, but there has been a gap in leadership since his transition to the national staff, particularly following the challenges brought by Hurricane Harvey. The Southeast Texas chapter is in need of new energy and support to reach local veterans and first responders.

Winston, drawing on his experience coordinating with clinicians in various hospitals, clinics, and recovery programs, believes that Southeast Texas veterans could greatly benefit from the region’s world-class bayous, creeks and rivers; he envisions them leaving their troubles behind on the shore and finding solace on the water.

Winston, a patriot from a deeply patriotic family, not being a veteran himself, is driven by his love for the outdoors and a strong passion for serving the nation’s heroes and first responders. He extends a warm invitation to civilian volunteers to join the cause, emphasizing the importance of civilian support for those returning from service.

With the organization’s rapid growth over the past 15 years, Heroes on the Water now operates on a nationwide scale, impacting countless lives; however, there’s an urgent need to reestablish the Southeast Texas chapter, and Winston believes that just a few likeminded individuals willing to step up can make it happen.

Heroes on the Water events are organized by trained volunteers at no cost to participants and their families and require no prior equipment or experience. The organization’s programs have been proven effective in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress, aiding in the healing of traumatic brain injuries, and improving overall wellbeing.

The organization’s overarching goal is to provide heroes with a pathway to positively enhance their lives, strengthen family dynamics, and make a lasting impact on the community in a healthy and sustainable way.

Those ready to make a difference and support veterans and first responders are urged to consider volunteering with Heroes on the Water in Southeast Texas. The contribution can change lives and strengthen the bonds of those who have given so much. Contact Winston at joe.winston@heroesonthewater. org for more information or to volunteer.