EDITORIAL: PAC money and false claims


The following editorial reflects the views of Don J. Dodd, Publisher/CEO of The Examiner Corporation.

  • Covey campaign propaganda

    Covey campaign propaganda

    Covey campaign propaganda

I’m certain there is no way to get rid of the outright lies candidate David Covey’s camp will continue to tell to get a man, who has never served the public, elected in the race against longtime public servant Dade Phelan. Covey and outsider Political Action Committees (PACs) have fueled so much vehemency in the community through mudslinging and deceptive propaganda that some supporters have gone so far to take it upon themselves to issue threats against our elected representative – and even his family.

One such political stunt sent out by political activists was a Christmas card edited to wish voters “Happy Ramadan” with the image of Dade Phelan and mocking words to insinuate anti-Christian beliefs – despicable behavior exemplifying Covey’s dishonor, that of a man unfit to be elected to office. The anti-Phelan campaign can’t win with showing the track record of their candidate – as he has done nothing for the community but work with outsiders to try to tear it apart.

Covey surrogates, bought and paid for by billionaire west Texas puppet masters, were not decried by the Covey camp for stooping to the unacceptable low of going to Phelan’s home and confronting his wife, knowing the Speaker wasn’t there because he was attending his son’s baseball game. This and so many other dirty tricks, which have not been denounced by Covey, shows the true character of Dade Phelan’s opponent in the race for State House District 21.

As a full-time political wannabe, Covey can concentrate on supposition, bullying and pie-in-the-sky dreams of what he would do if elected. But, as we learn quickly in this world, Covey’s past is the best predictor of his future maneuverings; to date, he’s done nothing for Southeast Texas – expect more of the same.

Meanwhile, The Examiner wholeheartedly endorses the re-election of Dade Phelan as Texas State House District 21 Representative. Phelan has proven time and time again that he will bring us funding for higher education, hospitals, flood mitigation and disaster help when we need it most. In the March 3 Republican primary, there is only one clear choice to continue the historical representation that Jefferson, Orange and Jasper counties are receiving in Austin – and that is a vote for Dade Phelan.

Phelan is not just our state representative, he is the Texas Speaker of the House, and his work as the head of the Texas Legislature has meant that this community is not forgotten when it comes to quality education opportunities, jobs, roads and bridges, and infrastructure. Phelan’s opponents are not even eligible for the House Speaker’s seat if elected, as they would be a first-term freshman that will need a map to find the House floor from their office. Perhaps an opening in the Speaker’s Office is why so many out-of-towners are hoping the local election takes out a man that champions so heavy for his own district.

You cannot silence the lies of those with nothing to lose by trying to be the loudest bully on the block, but you can outnumber the outside hype by getting out to vote for truthful representation that is not built on word, but on deeds. Don’t let outsiders decide your representative. They want to weaken our influence in the state legislature – and only you can make their dream a reality.

Vote for Southeast Texas; vote for Dade Phelan.