EDITORIAL: Examiner endorses Phelan, a seat at the table for SETX


The following editorial reflects the views of Don J. Dodd, Publisher/CEO of The Examiner Corporation.

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Dade Phelan is not just our Texas State Representative, he is the first Speaker of the House in Texas’ history to hail from Southeast Texas. What does the House of Representatives do? One of the most important roles of the legislature is controlling the budget, aka holding the purse strings, and Dade Phelan is head of the legislature as the Speaker of the House.

The governor of Texas doesn’t decide if we spend more on job training, hospitals, education, roads or mental health, to name just a few; it’s the legislature. That means, with Dade Phelan as our representative, Southeast Texas is not just a spot on the map; we are in the room. Dade’s the man at the table, at the head of the table, fighting for Jasper, Orange and Jefferson counties as decisions are made for the future of Texas. A vote for Phelan is a vote to keep Southeast Texas at the table.

Dade Phelan is a good representative and a good man. He is fair, honest and listens to us. He didn’t move off to Austin when he was elected; his roots are here, his kids go to school here, he is a Southeast Texan. The $70 million he brought to us for a state-of-the-art mental health hospital will be a game changer for our police and EMS who have nowhere to bring those suffering from issues of mental health – and there are many. The millions to Lamar, LIT, Lamar Port Arthur and Orange have been a big part of higher enrollment and lower tuition. For many years, we have heard of the Texas boom but ask ourselves, where is ours? Well, look around, it is here, and it is all happening on Dade Phelan’s watch.

Dade Phelan’s noted approach to governance is rooted in a belief that collaboration and pragmatism can transcend partisan divides, and that kind of leadership is precisely what Texas needs today. At a time when politics, at large, seems more about conflict, lies and an attempt to divide us as Americans, Dade Phelan, without compromising his values, understands that he is the representative for all Southeast Texans, not just the ones that vote for him.

When disaster struck with Hurricane Harvey and the blazing inferno of wildfires last summer, Dade Phelan was not a representative for only those who had voted for him, he was at the forefront giving aid to not only his constituents but seeing that the resources went to all Southeast Texas.

Observing the political dialogue enveloping this primary election is truly disheartening. External entities are pouring millions into shaping the outcome to their advantage. While politics is acknowledged as a gritty arena, the assaults against Phelan stem from individuals who lack an understanding of Southeast Texas’ genuine needs.

Don’t let the noisy outsiders dictate what’s best for us and our community.

The choice is clear, as March 5 is only a few days away. I encourage you to refrain from being swayed by the external forces trying to distract voters with blatant lies and unfounded claims; Dade Phelan is the real deal — a true Southeast Texan to the core, dedicated to serving House District 21 with every ounce of his being.