MKCHS students ‘Spring into Action’

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Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School (MKCHS) reported success in its annual “Spring into Action Day” on March 22, a testament to the school's commitment to community service and the values of compassion and generosity, according to Director of Marketing Morgan Lighty.

Lighty said students from MKCHS displayed unwavering dedication as they volunteered their time and efforts to support various local charities and organizations.

Among the impactful activities at 26 Southeast Texas, students engaged in:

• Boys’ Haven of America: Students participated in painting and repair tasks, revitalizing spaces within Boys' Haven to create a more welcoming environment for its residents.

• The Giving Field: At The Giving Field, students rolled up their sleeves to mend fences, pull weeds, and contribute to the harvest of over 100 pounds of fresh produce, which will go a long way in addressing food insecurity in our com- munity.

• The Hospitality Center at Port Arthur: Students lent a helping hand in preparing and serving lunch at The Hospitality Center, extending warmth and hospitality to those in need within our community"

“These endeavors represent just a glimpse of the incredible impact MKCHS students made on Spring into Action Day,” noted Lighty. “Their efforts exemplify the school’s ethos of service and solidarity with the community.”

“Spring into Action Day showcases the heart and soul of our school as our students selflessly give back to the community,” remarked Christina Gutierrez, director of Advancement at MKCHS. “We are immensely proud of their dedi- cation and commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.”

For further information about the school’s community service initiatives or to explore partnership opportunities, contact Director of Admissions Kennady Porter at (409) 866-2351 or kporter@