city of Beaumont

A photo of the USS Texas, currently at La Porte but slated to be moved.

A photo of the USS Texas, currently at La Porte but slated to be moved.

Battleship Texas proposal on the brink of sinking


After learning the city doesn’t own prime property to berth the USS Texas in downtown Beaumont, city council members said the proposal could be dead in the water at a regularly scheduled meeting De

Beaumont city manager announces retirement


In a letter addressed to the city of Beaumont mayor and council on Tuesday, Nov. 9, City Manager Kyle Hayes announced his intent to retire sometime between March 31 and April 30, 2022.

Chris Fisher, Sade Chick, Bill Darling, LaRue Smith, Louis Broussard, Pat Anderson, Guy Goodson

Chris Fisher, Sade Chick, Bill Darling, LaRue Smith, Louis Broussard, Pat Anderson, Guy Goodson

City honors ' nice guy' Lee Smith


Recognizing the life of a man who served on myriad municipal boards in the Southeast Texas community, the Beaumont City Council honored the life of Lee Smith at its regularly scheduled meeting Tues