social security

Woman sitting on a bench

Woman sitting on a bench

Social Security for divorced women


My wife and I and a group of our neighbors were chatting the other day, and it dawned on us that there are eight houses in a row on our block in which each of the couples has been married for more

White House

White House

Social Security: Don't blame the government


Sometimes people will write to me complaining that the government, specifically the Social Security Administration, has messed up and cheated them out of benefits they might have been due.

tax filing stock photo

tax filing stock photo

Protective filing dates


This is going to be a column about a special procedure that the Social Security Administration routinely uses that is intended to help people by protecting their rights to possible benefits.

A fist against a table with a white background.

A fist against a table with a white background.

Carrying a Social Security grudge


I’m always amazed by the number of emails I get from people who have been getting benefits for 10 years, or 20 years, or even more – and now they are coming to me with questions about their benefit

A photo of someone pushing someone else in a wheelchair on the beach.

A photo of someone pushing someone else in a wheelchair on the beach.

'Welfare' for disabled kids with wealthy parents


Q: I have a neighbor who is in his early 50s. He is a pilot for a major airline and makes pretty good money. He and his wife have several children, one of whom has Down syndrome.