Beaumont recaps National Beep Baseball World Series

  • A Beep Baseball game
    A Beep Baseball game

The National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA) World Series, a sports organization for athletes who are blind or visually impaired, took place at the Cris Quinn Soccer Complex on July 24 – 31. The teams in the league came from across the United States to compete in this notable sporting event for the NBBA.

“We were elated to host such a unique and prestigious event in our city,” stated Director of Sales Freddie Willard. “Our community and partners played such a vital role in the success of the tournament. Without those volunteers, it would not have been possible.”

The City of Beaumont, Rotary Club of Beaumont, Humane Society of Southeast Texas, Dayna Simmons Real Estate Team, Coach Jason Tyner and Kelly Baseball players, Coach Morgan Walker and Southeast Texas Baseball Academy players, and Desroches Partners all volunteered their time to assist with the games and operations. Various community members and other organizations in Southeast Texas also showed their support and came out to volunteer.

“The tournament went as well as we could have hoped,” NBBA President Blake Boudreaux said. “On top of the games running smoothly, the community support was felt throughout the entire week. All the teams and members were so appreciative of the volunteers and their time spent with us on the field.”

Seventeen teams from across the country competed in the NBBA World Series. The championship winner was the Indy Edge from Indiana with a 7-0 record. Over 400 players, their families, and spectators of the sport were in Beaumont, which impacted the local economy tremendously. With over 1,500 hotel room nights generated from this event, the estimated local economic impact is $500,000.