Local law firm gives away 1,500 turkeys

  • Turkey giveaway
    Turkey giveaway

Vehicles lined up Nov. 18 before the annual Turkey Giveaway hosted by Clay Dugas and Associates of Beaumont, where more than 1,000 turkeys made their way into cars one at a time.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) personnel handled the traffic as vehicles lined up awaiting for volunteers to hand out turkeys.

“When we got here people were waiting,” said Shannon Dugas.

According to Dugas, this was the sixth year for the drive-thru giveaway event after skipping 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. She noted, in the first hour, about 1,000 turkeys were handed out by volunteers from the attorney’s office, along with JCSO volunteers.

“They (JCSO) volunteer every year and I don’t know what we would do without them,” she added.

Dugas said they started out giving out 500 turkeys and has since increased the total.

“Turkeys are really expensive this year,” said Dugas. “So we are glad we could do this again.

“There are so many people hurting right now from COVID and the economy, and everything is high. Anything we can do, we want to.”

The turkeys were supplied by Superior Meats and Cajun Cookery supplied the refrigerated truck.