Local students earn Lone Star Degrees

  • Hardin-Jefferson FFA members
    Hardin-Jefferson FFA members

A host of area students received Lone Star Degrees at the 94th State FFA Convention held July 11-14 in Fort Worth. The Lone Star Degree is the highest state achievement a student can receive. Fewer than 2% of all FFA members earn the degree.

Students receiving the Lone Star Degree include: Jackson Akers, Connor Smith, and Emily Smith of Lumberton FFA; Heather McMillan, Cheyenne Cooley and Dusti Creel of Silsbee FFA; Starlie Duke of Kountze FFA; Weston Brook, Brady Trotter and Brayden Woodruff of Hardin-Jefferson FFA; Eric Murry of Beaumont FFA; Kayla Banta and Jackie Cardenas of Nederland FFA; Bryce Blacksher, Travis Kessell, Halie Ridley and Brian Zepeda of Orangefield FFA; and Morgan Cooper, Jordan Josey and Tyler Turner of Vidor FFA.