Paddling for Beginners is Friday

  • Two men paddling at Village Creek State Park
    Two men paddling at Village Creek State Park

Village Creek State Park and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will host Paddling for Beginners from 9 – 11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 12. To register, call (409) 755-7322. Space is limited.

The event will launch at the park to learn some paddling basics and explore some of the wonders of Village Creek.

Kayaks and lifejackets will be provided by the park at no charge. A standard entry fee of $4 per person age 13 and up still applies.

Minors, ages 13 and up, must be accompanied by an adult. Minors may use single person kayaks but must still have a legal guardian present in the group. Children 12 years old or younger will not be able to use a single kayak. Only one person per single kayak allowed. Hats, sunscreen and sunglasses are highly encouraged. If you wish to continue paddling after the program ends, standard rental fees will apply.

The event may be canceled or rescheduled based on weather/creek conditions. Follow Village Creek State Park on Facebook for updates.