The 100 Club, offering financial respite

  • 100 Club of Southeast Texas logo

    100 Club of Southeast Texas logo

    100 Club of Southeast Texas logo

Losing a loved one precipitates unparalleled sorrow and stress, something first responders see on the job everyday. This same group of professionals is also at a heightened risk to be seriously injured or die themselves while serving their communities. Consequently, families of first responders often find themselves in dire financial straits when those risks become reality.

Acting as financial first responders for tragedy-stricken families of actual first responders, The 100 Club of Southeast Texas has been easing the monetary burden for families of first responders who have suffered a loss in the area for three decades.

“When tragedy strikes, the effects are devastating, and all too often it strikes in the form of a death or disabling injury of a law enforcement officer or firefighter. The 100 Club of Southeast Texas is here to provide immediate response to the needs of the family of a fallen officer or firefighter,” reads the organization’s mission statement. “Our members realize that money can’t make up for the loss of a loved one, so representatives of the club visit with family members within 48 hours of a tragedy. Our purpose is to provide not only support and understanding, but a substantial contribution to the financial needs of the surviving spouse and children.”

Well-recognized within the communities it serves, The 100 Club originated in Detroit in 1952. After the fatal shooting of a young Detroit policeman, a local businessman named William Packer wrote to 100 friends encouraging them to donate to a fund for the officer’s family. The response was 100%.

One year later, The 100 Club began in Houston when 100 men each contributed $100 to help the families of Houston Police officers killed in the line of duty. One month after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, The 100 Club of Houston extended benefits to the dependents of firefighters.

Established in Jefferson County in 1988 following the shooting death of Beaumont Police Department Officer Paul Hulsey Jr., the club added Hardin County in 1996, extended benefits to firefighters in 2006 and to Orange County in 2010.

Realizing the possibility that several peace officers or firefighters could be lost in one day, The 100 Club of Southeast Texas is seeking to expand its membership. The club’s continued growth is only possible through its members and donations made from the community.

For those who support The 100 Club mission of supporting law enforcement and firefighters, there is a place in this extraordinary organization. Membership helps support the peace officers and firefighters who risk their lives to protect Southeast Texans.

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