Alleged predator investigated for filing for rent reimbursement

  • Billy Woolley

    Billy Woolley

    Billy Woolley
  • Woolley's properties on Old Dowlen

    Woolley's properties on Old Dowlen

    Woolley's properties on Old Dowlen

During the months he sat in jail charged with a bevy of crimes including sexual assault, aggravated assault and indecency with a child, a review of Rental Assistance program applications shows suspected predator Billy Woolley was also seeking money from the government for rent allegedly owed to him for “homes” scattered at an Old Dowlen address that amount to a row of numbered storage sheds.

According to a database search of properties and tax rolls for Jefferson County, Woolley holds title to 10 private properties and a car lot on Calder Avenue. He owes over $50,000 in total delinquent taxes.

According to four indictments secured in March 2021 against Woolley, the then-48-year-old was alleged to have exposed himself sexually to a minor in 2005, raped a woman in 2016, and choked and pulled a gun on a woman he was dating in 2018. These charges were on the heels of a misdemeanor charge that was still pending when Woolley went on the lam, according to Jefferson County Assistant District Attorney Tatiana Zelezniak, who advised that Woolley’s arrest in June 2021 – months after the four felony indictments – was made in California, even though the case started on the other side of the Unites States.

“This all started with a call from Jersey,” Zelezniak offered up during a hearing in October 2021. Zelezniak said the incident was initiated as a stalking case “that ballooned from there.”

“She was a babysitter,” Zelezniak said of the complaining victim. “He got her into a relationship, was controlling her… threatening her with guns, made her afraid of leaving him. That’s why it was so many years before it was reported, before she was able to get away from him.”

Zelezniak’s commentary was provided in an attempt to keep Woolley behind bars in lieu of bonds totaling $400,000 for the four felony charges, an amount, she said, was at least high enough to keep the suspect from fleeing again. Wooley and his attorney were seeking a bond reduction to allow the accused to break free from the Jefferson County Jail where he was being held.

Allegations of sexual assaults, abuse and anger issues, and dominance over people who allege victimization from him plagued Woolley for years, Zelezniak said.

“Not only the complainant,” the prosecutor further shared, “but other individuals have come forward … with their own experiences of his aggression over a period of time.”

Zelezniak countered the defense attorney’s list of “good deeds” exacted by his client with a laundry list of the alleged victims culled from exposure to those seemingly selfless endeavors.

Woolley classified himself as “sober coaching a recovering alcoholic neuronurse,” when he was apprehended in California for the crimes allegedly committed in Jefferson County and on the East Coast.

“I lead them to the way that I have found that has relieved me,” Woolley said. But, to show the court his ties to Southeast Texas, the felony defendant also explained his ability to make money locally, pointing to real estate ownership and a used car business. Woolley also bragged as to the money-maker his real estate was in a recorded video provided by one of his alleged victims.

“What you don’t understand is that you’ll leave and my life will stay the same,” a man attributed as Woolley can be heard saying. “I’ll still have (expletive) rent houses; I’ll still have income; I’ll still have a house – and I’ll have a dead German Shepherd in the front yard because I’ll probably shoot her as soon as you leave me.”

With the attachment of a GPS monitoring device, a promise to have no contact with the complaining victims, and an order to stay at home when not working, Woolley was released on bail half of what was initially required.

“These allegations are most serious,” the judge warned when reducing the bond. “If you were found guilty of each of these offenses, you’re looking at sentencing that can range up to 60 years in prison. So, I don’t think I need to explain how serious that is in detail. That should make you think twice, three times – before you make any improper act.

“I will take quick action if necessary. You better follow the rules to the letter.”

This past week, according to County Auditor Patrick Swain, his office was contacted by the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission representative operating the rental assistance program of funding granted through Jefferson County.

“This person had presented claims – a landlord that applied for rental assistance,” Swain said. “It initiated from a JP’s office about an eviction hearing. They never got back to him, probably because he was sitting in our jail for something.”

Investigation led to the revelation that Woolley, who applied for the rental assistance but did not properly sign the documents due to his incarceration, was asking for rental assistance for tenants allegedly paying $1,000 per month for property listed on the tax rolls as carports from 1978.

Swain said the application has been referred to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office for further investigation. To the best of his knowledge, Woolley was not paid any money from the local Rental Assistance program, but his office is still awaiting results from the $22 million in rental assistance money funneled into the area from a concurrent program.

Also, as revealed in the Regional Planning Commission rental assistance files, felon Mary Bond, under investigation for allegedly trying to extort rent money from elected officials and candidates for office, also applied for the county to pay her rent. In Bond’s case, the rent check was granted – with Bond’s landlord, the Richey Group out of Lumberton, receiving $6,800 worth of subsidy on Bond’s behalf.

Swain said the program has uncovered several scammers, such as one application that contained the forged signature of a local judge, but most recipients of the funding are genuinely qualified for the assistance.

“Scammers are everywhere,” Swain said. “Every program is going to have that, but you want to make sure as best as you can that funding gets to the right people that need it. Hopefully, 80%, 90% is going to the right place.”