Bailes to chair Sportsmen’s Caucus

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During their first meeting of 2023, House members of the bipartisan Texas Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus elected State Rep. Ernest Bailes (R-Shepherd) to serve as the House's chairman.

Bailes replaces now retired State Rep. Lyle Larson (R-San Antonio) as chair and will serve as the Caucus’ leader in the House of Representatives, helping guide the Caucus’ efforts to supports the time-honored traditions enjoyed by the Lone Star State’s 2.7 million hunters and anglers.

The Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus has championed legislation that benefits Texas’ sportsmen, as well as the Lone Star State’s natural resources.

In addition, the Caucus has played a central role in assisting the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation with generating support from the Texas Congressional delegation on federal legislation that benefits natural resources and outdoor heritage in Texas and the U.S.

Bailes represents the 18th District, which includes Hardin County.