Cable installation leads to slower traffic, faster internet

  • Delaware at Wuthering Heights

    Delaware at Wuthering Heights

    Delaware at Wuthering Heights

Beaumont Planning and Community Development Director Chris Boone says Unity Fiber is currently installing fiber-optic cable along Delaware Street in Beaumont.

Though the installation may be slowing down traffic for drivers now, information from Spectrum and other internet service providers indicates that, after the lines are laid, they should significantly speed up downloads and streaming services for certain customers. 

Drivers traveling Delaware on the morning of Jan. 23 say traffic has been slow as they make their way to work with some citing 15-minute extensions to their daily drive, which could be the difference between being on time and very late to jobs, schools or medical appointments. Boone suggests drivers give themselves a little extra travel time until installation is complete and says the cable installation is a sign of progress in the digital age. 

"It's always good when you see it," Boone said of the installation of fiber optics in city neighborhoods. According to him, multiple service providers sharing bandwidth could each benefit from increased network speeds that fiber optics allow, meaning their customers in impacted areas will also see benefits after installation. 

City of Beaumont Real Property Coordinator Antoinette Hardy said multiple contractors have received permits for installing fiber-optic cable throughout the city, ultimately improving internet speeds for resident, businesses and the Beaumont Independent School District. The work is ongoing.