EDITORIAL: David Covey is ‘All hat, no cattle’

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A traditional Texas putdown, “all hat, no cattle” refers to someone who is all talk with no action, power or substance behind their words, which may explain why David Covey, the candidate running against House Speaker and District 21 State Representative Dade Phelan, just days from early voting in the runoff has not and will not step up and debate Dade Phelan.

Much has been said by the Covey campaign on postcard junk stuffed in our mailboxes spewing, at best, misrepresentations and, most of the time, outright lies about Phelan, yet, when asked openly and on record by the people of Southeast Texas and Dade Phelan himself to debate, one can only conclude David Covey is all hat, and no cattle.

This is a very important election. Phelan for over a decade has served District 21 seeing to the needs of our universities so our kids could afford to be educated at real colleges while Covey touts his homeschooling and California based mail-order Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Oak Brook College of Law credentials.

Speaker Phelan leads the Texas House that has passed legislation providing billions of dollars for Operation Lone Star border security, which has resulted in over 503,800 migrant apprehensions, 40,400 criminal arrests (including 36,100 felony charges), and 469 million doses of fentanyl seized.

Under Phelan’s leadership as House Speaker, significant property tax reduction and an increase in the homestead exemption to 40% legislation was passed and changed the appraisal districts’ ability to overly inflate your property’s valuation.

Phelan has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to Lamar University, LIT and Lamar State colleges, over $70 million for a new mental health facility, yet Covey claims he has a better way, but refuses to share them in an open debate while spewing slanderous accusations with no facts and no solutions in our mailboxes, text messages and on our televisions.

Dade Phelan, day after day, has shown Southeast Texas he works hard for us with life-changing and historic results.

If Covey really has a plan, mail us a copy of it instead of the junk mail full of lies and misrepresentations financed by billionaires from out of state.

This should be really simple, two men in a room, both wanting our vote, detailing ideas on how they will represent our interests in Austin, if elected. If candidate David Covey can’t agree to a simple exchange of ideas between two candidates running for office, does he deserve your vote?

Dade Phelan is not perfect; he has made mistakes, how could he not? He has represented Southeast Texas for over a decade. He has been the Speaker of the House overseeing hundreds and hundreds of legislative bills and hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for infrastructure many take for granted. Dade Phelan is bound to make the occasional decision that not every one of his thousands of constituents can agree on, but Dade Phelan has done the job, Dade Phelan wears the hat and he tends lots of cattle for Southeast Texas.

Show your support for our man in Austin Dade Phelan and vote early in the runoff election from May 20 through May 24, and if you can’t make early voting, election day is May 28.