LIT student tests positive for COVID-19

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A Lamar Institute of Technology student self-reported the college’s first case of COVID-19, the college informed through a press release April 21. This student has reportedly been off-campus since March 10, was enrolled online, and has had no physical contact with any other LIT students or employees. Despite national travel advisements, LIT reported, the student took an out-of-state trip during spring break, then started displaying symptoms, but had the foresight to self-quarantine. As an update from LIT, the college reports the student has since recovered, all classrooms have been deep cleaned and sanitized, the faculty of record were notified and the student will not return to campus. 

“I am so grateful that the student has recovered, the college’s safety protocols are working, and we will continue to adhere to the intent of Governor Abbott’s Executive Order (No. GA-16),” LIT President Lonnie L. Howard said. “Based on this order, mandates from our county and local leaders and the guidance from the medical community, we will stay the course a little while longer.”

LIT will remain closed for in-person instruction for about the next two weeks until the spring semester ends, although some essential staff and training might return before then. Regarding the spring semester, the college has over 4,300 credit and non-credit students enrolled, and all but about 290 will be able to fully complete due to missing hands-on training (labs). LIT is offering these students an opportunity to come back at no cost during the summer or a later semester and finish this training, with certain career and technical programs allowed to resume hands-on training (labs) under strict CDC guidelines per the governor’s order.

Students are urged to plan now to attend this summer and fall. Financial Aid and Pell Grants are available, and LIT could receive an unprecedented $1,836,000 from the federal CARES Act that might help with tuition, housing, childcare, etc. To be eligible for Financial Aid and Pell Grants, students will need to complete FAFSA applications at The CARES Act application information should be available soon at