PAPD arrests wanted gangster

  • Frankie's firearms

    Frankie's firearms

    Frankie's firearms
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A contingent of local law enforcement officers located and arrested a wanted gang member and confiscated several firearms and approximately four pounds of marijuana May 17.

Investigators with the Port Arthur Police Department Guns & Narcotics Unit, along with the US Marshals Service and JCSO Warrant Division, located 23-year-old Frankie Cunningham, a wanted fugitive, in the 3600 block of 40th Street. Cunningham was arrested for two outstanding felony warrants.

“This individual is also a documented gang member within the State of Texas,” PAPD reported. “Upon investigators entering the residence, several firearms and approximately four pounds of marijuana were confiscated. One of the Glocks recovered is believed to be a fully automatic pistol. This case is being forwarded to ATF for review."