'Stay home if sick,' and other common sense ways to keep schools open

  • Students work in a classroom with masks on

    Students work in a classroom with masks on

    Students work in a classroom with masks on

“In an effort to reduce school spread and keep our schools open, we are highly encouraging everyone to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 by doing the following,” begins communication sent from the Beaumont Independent School District (BISD) to parents entering the MLK Day holiday three-day weekend, before going on to say the exact same thing public institutions and epidemiologists have been echoing for roughly two years now.

“Wear a form-fitting mask while indoors,” stay home when showing symptoms of COVID, and value the “importance of hand-washing.” It’s been said, many times, many ways – but administrators are sending the message again, especially since COVID infection in the district is rising – again.

Anyone exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID is urged to take a free COVID test to determine positivity. COVID-19 symptoms include: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, significant muscle pain or ache, headache, fatigue, nausea, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, shaking or exaggerated shivering, diarrhea, feeling feverish, fever of 100 or higher, congestion or runny nose, and vomiting. Another indicator that a person may be COVID-positive is known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.

“Keep your students home if they have been tested for COVID until you receive the test results,” BISD advises. “We are continuing to disinfect our campuses daily. Our No. 1 priority is to keep our staff and students safe and keep them in school.”

For further questions regarding COVID-19, parents are advised to email Julie Nezat at jnezat@bmtisd.com.